The Mortal

I am no more than a tourist
unsure of his way among ancient stones
scrutinised by crows
anticipating one false step
and the worm
whose promise is golden

I may see the glories
yet my thoughts are less than weathered tombs
their words mocking me
for my impermanence
being but faded lichen
bleached by a million dawns.

The End Of Days

in my garden
the world remains
as it was then still
starlings sing
of spring’s refrains
to some god’s once will,
in my garden
flowers bloom
of hopeful colours bright
and knows not night
of coming gloom
which is our given plight,
in my garden
a dusk still shines
despite the earth is done
for bees will try
with butterflies
to bless the very sun.
so even
in these darkest hours
hope is life’s one care
thus in my garden
grows the light
of each spring’s blessed prayer.